About noon on Tuesday (1/21), the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call for help from the
daughter of a 67-year-old mother who had slipped and fell while hiking. They were on the Lizard Peak Trail
in Sara Park, south of Lake Havasu City, and needed help to get medical treatment. She was unable to hike
back to the trailhead, with injuries to her leg and wrist. Lake Havasu Fire Department responded and called
Search and Rescue for assistance.
Medics with the fire department arrived at their location and rendered medical aid. Due to the rugged terrain,
the fire department called Care Flight Helicopter to assist with the extraction. She was “packaged” into a
Stokes litter to transport her to the medical helicopter. A Care Flight Helicopter arrived nearby (about 100
yards away, which was the closest it could land to their location) – where it took all the rescuers (7 fire and 7
SAR) to move the injured mother in the litter across the rugged terrain to the helicopter landing zone. The
injured mother was loaded into the helicopter and flown to Havasu Regional Medical Center for further
medical evaluation.
Job well done and great teamwork, Lake Havasu Fire Department and Mohave County Sheriff’s Office
Search and Rescue!