BULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. – February 7, 2025 – The Bullhead City Police Department was awarded grant funding from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (AZ GOHS) for impaired driver enforcement and advanced collision investigation.
The advanced investigation grant was awarded in the amount of $53,597 to purchase sophisticated equipment and software capable of imaging computer systems found in modern vehicles. The grant will also fund the cost of training in the use of the equipment and the analysis of data retrieved from imaging.
The impaired driver enforcement grant was awarded in the amount of $15,000 to fund overtime reimbursement for specially trained officers to conduct saturation patrols targeting impaired drivers.
The Bullhead City Police Department would like to extend a sincere thank you to Director Jesse Torrez and his staff at AZ GOHS for their continued support of our efforts to reduce collisions and remove impaired drivers from Bullhead City roadways.
“The equipment we will acquire and the training we will attend will move the Bullhead City Police Department to the cutting edge of advanced collision investigation and reconstruction,” said Traffic Section Supervisor Sgt. Eddie Espinoza. “We will be able to streamline collision investigations and be available to assist other agencies throughout Mohave and La Paz counties.”
The Bullhead City Police Department strives to make our roadways safe for our residents and visitors and it’s our commitment to help stop impaired driving. We want to remind motorists to always plan ahead and arrange a designated driver, call a cab or utilize ridesharing options when drinking.
Saturation patrols will commence immediately and procurement and training for the collision investigation equipment should be complete by April of 2025.